Customer Story – Treating Bruxism with Botox

Customer Story – Treating Bruxism with Botox

I’ve suffered from bruxism, or teeth grinding, since I was in middle school. Over the years, this caused persistent headaches and neck pain, and initially, I didn’t even realize that my neck tension was connected to the teeth grinding. The pain and muscle tension became so severe that it started to impact my daily life.

Mouthguards helped, but weren’t enough

At first, my dentist recommended a mouthguard to protect my teeth and reduce the grinding. While it helped a bit, it wasn’t a permanent solution. I still experienced frequent headaches and neck pain, and wearing the mouthguard was uncomfortable and expensive. My head often felt foggy, and I was constantly tired.

Botox treatment changed everything

In 2019, I decided to try Botox after my dentist suggested it. Botox injections were placed in my jaw muscles and neck to help relax them and relieve the tension. The first treatment was a game changer: my headaches eased, my thinking became clearer, and my neck pain subsided.
An unexpected bonus was how much the appearance of my face changed. As the muscle tension reduced, my face looked slimmer and less swollen, which made me feel better both physically and aesthetically.

Long-lasting effects

Initially, I had Botox treatments every three to four months, but over time, the intervals have lengthened. Now, I only need the treatment about once every eight months. I’ve also gradually broken the habit of grinding my teeth, and I no longer need to wear a mouthguard, which has been a huge relief both financially and practically.
Botox has had a transformative effect on my quality of life, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone suffering from the symptoms of bruxism.

Swipe to see the before and after results!
If you’re interested in this treatment, you can book your appointment through Timma.


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